
Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The Bible

You may have heard it said that the Bible is God’s love letter to Jesus’ bride, the church, which contains (B)asic (I)nstructions (B)efore (L)eaving (E)arth. If not, now you have.

In attempting to either sum up or describe the Bible in a single sentence, Micheal Williams, is quoted as saying, "God made it, we broke it, Jesus fixes it.”

Here’s another attempt by Champ Thornton:
“The story of the Bible is that... through Jesus, God is restoring everything that sin ruined.”

For more: one sentence Bible summaries

Thomas Brooks said the following about the Bible:
"Love this book above all other books, prize this book above all other books, read this book before all other books, study this book more than all other books! For he who reads much — and understands nothing, is like him who hunts much — and catches nothing!"

Charles Spurgeon is quoted as saying:
"The person who merely skims the Book of God will not profit from it; we must dig and mine until we obtain the treasure."

He also said:
“Believer! there is enough in the Bible for thee to live upon for ever. If thou shouldst outnumber the years of Methusaleh, there would be no need for a fresh revelation; if thou shouldst live till Christ should come upon the earth, there would be no necessity for the addition of a single word; if thou shouldst go down as deep as Jonah, or even descend as David said he did, into the belly of hell, still there would be enough in the Bible to comfort thee without a supplementary sentence.”

A good relevant devotion: Hunt for Truth

God forbid that any of us should allow our Bibles to become witnesses against us in the great day of account.

Here’s a few great works that introduce you to this Holy Scripture:
What is the Bible Anyway?
The Bible!
Three Great Reasons to Read the Bible every day in 2019

Great questions:

  • from Jen Wilkin, None Like Him:
    • "How should the knowledge that God is _________ change the way I live?"
    • "What measurable change should occur as a result of meditating on God’s immeasurable attributes, as described in the Bible?

Please keep in mind:
“No man ever said at the end of his days, ‘I have read my Bible too much, thought of God too much, prayed too much, been too concerned about my soul. The people of God would always say, ‘Had I my life over again, I would walk far more closely with God than I have done.” - J.C. Ryle

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