
Developing a Discipleship Culture: preparing a people for a place that is being prepared for us

(select the link above to listen and learn about developing a culture of discipleship)

Revelation 21 gives us a glimpse of New Jerusalem, the heavenly city that Jesus went ahead to prepare (John 14:1-3), so that each of the Lord’s redeemed believers will one day be able to happily inhabit. In the meantime the Holy Spirit is preparing each of the Lord’s redeemed believers for this place.

The American rock group, Starship, may never know how close, yet far, from the truth they were when they sang out that "We built this city on rock and roll," because we disciples of Christ know that any house that is built on the sands of anything other  than the "solid rock" of Christ will not stand!!

So let us take care to live out Colossians 3:16-17 as we honor Christ's call to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20),  building up our citizens  for the Holy City - the urbanized Garden of Eden - described in Revelation 21 - that we wait to one day inhabit!!

(select the link above to read about a theology about God’s design and will for cities)

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