A guy comes down to earth, takes your sins, dies, and comes back three days later. You believe in him and go to heaven forever. How do you get from that to Hide-The-Eggs? Did Jesus have a problem with eggs?
— Jon Stewart
This is reminiscent of a quote by the first
Anglican bishop of Liverpool, J.C.
Ryle (5/10/1816-6/10/1900), in his article, Luke Chapter 6, “We
must call to mind our Lord's words on another occasion, "Beware of false
prophets!" (Matthew
7:15.) We must remember the advice of Paul and John — "Prove all
things." "Try the spirits — whether they are of God." (1
Thessalonians 5:21; 1 John 4:1.) With the Bible in our hands, and the
promise of guidance from the Holy Spirit to all who seek it — we shall be
without excuse if our souls are led astray. The blindness of ministers is no
excuse for the darkness of the people. The man who from indolence, or
superstition, or affected humility — refuses to distrust the teaching of the
minister whom he finds set over him, however unsound it may be — will at length
share his minister's portion. If people will trust blind guides — then they
must not be surprised if they are led to the pit!”
“The Scriptures and the
Promises”, English Bible Teacher, Arthur Pink (4/1/1886-7/15/1952),
warns us as he writes, “How terrible, then, is the blindness and how great
is the sin of those preachers who indiscriminately apply the Divine promises to
the saved and unsaved alike! They are not only taking "the children’s
bread" and casting it to the "dogs," but they are "handling
the word of God deceitfully" (2 Cor. 4:2), and beguiling immortal souls.
And they who listen to and heed them are little less guilty, for God holds all
responsible to search the Scriptures for themselves, and test whatever they
read or hear by that unerring standard. If they are too lazy to do so, and
prefer blindly to follow their blind guides, then their blood is on their own
heads. Truth has to be "bought" (Prov. 23:23), and those who are
unwilling to pay the price must go without it.”
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