
Thursday, September 6, 2018


I’m inspired by the below thought penned initially by Charles Naylor and hope that you also will enjoy and be helped by the below sentiment as well…….

“Some men live a long time, in a little while. Others live only a little, in a long time. The head of John the Baptist was cut off when he was less than thirty-five years old, yet John the Baptist had  accomplished more than all the prophets before him. Jesus Christ was crucified when he was not yet thirty-five, but what amazing things he accomplished in those few short years. 

The value of life is not reckoned by its length, but by its accomplishments. There should be a purpose in every day of life—a purpose for the whole life, and a purpose for each day of the life. A life without a purpose, can never be a full life. It is not living—it is merely existing. The person without a definite purpose in life, is like a ship without a rudder. Such living is mere drifting—not accomplishing anything worthwhile. Such a person is the plaything of circumstances. The ship drifts in whichever direction the wind is blowing. So a life without a purpose—drifts, drifts. 

We should put something of value into every day of our life. If we ourselves do not put something into our lives—they will contain nothing.”  (For more on this idea: How Old was Methuselah?)

In Ephesians 5:15-16, Apostle Paul encourages us to wisely be intentional on how we live life, in order to make the most of every opportunity because the days are evil. Jesus, being fully aware of evil days, and man’s tendency to mis-spend time focused on wrong and selfish endeavors; while speaking to a number of Jewish leaders said, “You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.” (John 5:39-40)

We need to be intentional about appropriately knowing THE WORD, who was not only with God in the beginning, but is God! (John 1:1) We must learn to more consistently refuse to simply be content remaining lost in His words; just increasing our accountability and degree of offense, guilt, and subsequent punishment due to learning more about Him, while failing to be able to live it out because we foolishly forge ahead in our own power pursuing our own goals, without consideration for and the benefit of His Spirit to empower, enable, and assist us to see God’s will for us fulfilled and accomplished to God’s glory and our joy!!

We need to be intentional about being connected as a part of His body (1Corinthians 12:12-27), in corporate worship as well as frequent and continual fellowship with other believers, (Acts 2:42) in order to purposely encounter, worship, and commune with THE LIVING GOD, as we enjoy the gifts and benefits of living life in Christian communities, as we repent of the faithless and anti-biblical ideas of either, not needing Church, or going to simply enjoy caroling with fellow believers as we’re entertained by a good sermon.

Therefore,  let us live lives that inspire, invite, and help other people choose to come to the Father through Jesus His Son, before the appointed time in which six strong men are called to personally escort them into one of His church services.


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