
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

More Questions to Consider.....

When you here the phrase "future of the church" what comes to mind?

The church is crippled because people aren't functioning as a body. (T / F why?)

True repentance is a sovereign monergistic work of God. ( T / F why ?)

Does what you do define who you are?  Should it?  To what extent?

What does unity, diversity, and harmony have to do with mutuality?

Do you have both the capacity and desire to pursue excellence?

In the early years of the 5th century, Saint Augustine of Hippo penned, "Grant what Thou commandest, and command what Thou dost desire."

Does this simple one sentence prayer seem logical and reasonable to you? Or does it just rub you the wrong way.... to the point of finding it blatantly offensive?  Can you believe that this actually provoked our forefathers in the faith to the point of fury?

Why? ... Because there was stark disagreement over the question: Does God's commandments imply the ability of humanity to obey it?  In other words, is each individual human capable of obeying God without first having to rely on God for the ability to be obedient?

What do you think?  

A further question to consider: Would God give laws that couldn't be kept? If so, why?

Here’s a song to listen to as you contemplate 😀

- Timothy Brindle

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