
Friday, August 17, 2018

It’s gotta be da’ shoes!!

Ephesians 6:14-15 (ESV)
Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.

How many of us are old enough to remember the funny Nike TV commercial tagline “It’s gotta be da’ shoes?” where Michael Jordan’s basketball skills were attributed to his footwear? How about the more serious “2008 Olympics swimsuit controversy,” where the LZR Pro and LZR Elite swimsuit lines were marketed as “the world’s fastest swimsuit” and subsequently banned from use as it was considered “technology doping?”

Roman soldiers were issued caligae - heavy-duty, flat, thick-soled openwork boots, with hobnailed soles worn by Roman cavalrymen, foot-soldiers, and possibly by some centurions. Each caliga’s midsole, and the openwork upper, were cut from a single piece of high quality cow or ox-hide. An outsole was fastened to the mid-sole, using clinched hobnails, usually of iron but occasionally bronze. The clinched hobnail ends were covered by an insole. It was laced up the center of the foot and onto the top of the ankle. The design of the caliga, made it an ideal marching boot and the thunderous sound of an attack by a hobnailed army (caligati), must have been terrifying, not to mention practical due to the extra traction they provided in helping them to successfully hold their ground in battle.

Many of us are very familiar with the fact that Our Father graciously gives all of his children a full suit of armor (Ephesians 6:10-20) with which we are to dress our new selves that we are called to put on (Ephesians 4:24) so that we can face, withstand and overcome the evil that comes against us, in order for us to ultimately... successfully remain standing. Yet, regardless of all the sermons on the topic we may have heard and whatever written material we have read, how many of us can recall any serious attention being given to the spiritual shoes – which is the readiness given by the gospel of grace?  Please also consider, how many of us may be unaware that we have been and currently are walking around right now, spiritually barefoot?  Despite our intentional standing on God’s Word, how many spiritual battles do we continually lose simply because we somehow inexplicably lose our footing?

Therefore, let’s remember, to never forget, to put on our spiritual shoes, and stand firm on, and in, Christ, and let His indwelling Spirit guide usin facing, handling, and overcoming whatever inconceivable evil hell, that Our Loving Father in His providence permits to come up against us. Then when, not if, trials come your way, please keep in mind that this world makes us realize that as individuals, we mostly appear to be like Gideon – small, insignificant, and powerless (Judges 6), yet the angel of the Lord addresses him, and representatively each and every one of us, as “mighty warrior.” We, unlike Gideon, have the benefit of the whole of God’s revealed Word. We clearly know from Paul, that since we are in Christ and He is in us, there is a part of us already seated in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). This means that we are truly and really mighty, filled now with resurrection power, in Jesus. We have the power to say no to ungodliness (Titus 2:12), extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one (Ephesians 6:16), and ultimately stand and maintain our ground during those times of trials (Ephesians 6:13). Please remember that those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy (Psalm 126:5),  that the angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them (Psalm 34:7), and that God Himself will one day wipe every remaining tear (Revelation 7:17).

With this in mind, I hope these items that God has used to help me through the darkest days of my past, will be found equally as useful to you and those you love during any dark and challenging time and season in your life:

1) Octavius Winslow’s Morning Thoughts for June 2,  and June 3.

2)  “When Adversity Comes” Charles Naylor 1944  This is a free book that really helped grow my ability to appropriately face and deal with difficult changes.

3) Some of the following quotes and realizations:

“There is a Warrior protecting you...
A Shepherd directing you...
A Savior keeping you...
A Priest blessing you...
A Father loving you!!!”
- Roy Lessin

"Never mind how great the pressure is - only where the pressure lies. Never let it come between you and the Lord, then the greater the pressure, the more it presses you to His heart."
- Hudson Taylor

"God does not demand of me that I must accomplish great things. He does demand of me that I strive for excellence in my relationships."
- Ted w. Engstrom, (The Making of a Christian Leader)

"O let us be aware then of a discontented spirit-remembering that God orders all our affairs! Whatever He gives us - let us thankfully receive it. Whatever He denies us - let us be satisfied without it. Whatever He takes from us- let us uncomplainingly part with it. Whatever trial He lays on us - let us endeavor patiently to bear it."
- John MacDuff

Remember to always T.R.U.S.T. God:
T.ake one day at a time.                                               - Matthew 6:34
R.emeber all things work for good.                            - Romans 8:28
U.nder no circumstances should you worry.             - Philippians 4:6
S.tart everyday with prayer and thanksgiving.          - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
T.he Lord will never forsake you.                                - Hebrews 13:5

4) Listening to Christian music:

While you consider that IT'S NOT OVER YET!!

and know that GOD IS ON THE MOVE
enabling you to be an OVERCOMER
who realizes that we all are all currently just UNFINISHED

Can you see the WONDER

So let's RISE

Prior to any future day of trouble, ensure that you are found participating in one of Christ’s local calagaties so that they can encourage you,  pray you through and remind you to always remember and know that Love is always ready to take and give a little more

Godspeed: Psalm 50:14-15

What are your thoughts? Let’s discuss. Thank you for your comments.

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