
Thursday, February 7, 2019

Philippians 4:8 - Thinking upon these things.....

Apostle Paul, in Philippians 4:8 encourages us to think upon all things lovely, excellent, and praiseworthy. It is a beautiful verse that had not yet been revealed and written when James and John shared their heart's desire in the form of a candidly blatant request to their faithful and loving Teacher, documented in Mark 10:35-37. I can't help but wonder if these brothers didn't honestly believe that they were doing just what this verse is exhorting us to practice when they've met with the sincerely heartfelt indignation of their fellow ten peers in this unknown elite circle of individuals?

However, it does naturally beg the question, when this temporal existence is over, who will be some of the most notable people in heaven? After all, anyone who was referenced in the Holy Bible will share some level of notoriety, and in my opinion, especially the ones that most people tend to not remember or those individuals who were merely referenced, but not by name. These people will also be accompanied by the likes of many great men and women that have followed since the canon of scripture has been officially closed, who are now numbered among the great growing cloud of witnesses (Hebrews 12:1) and are known for their impact on how we late day Christians think about and understand the faith we share.

Yet, in my estimation, some of the most popular citizens in this Holy City will be people who take us by surprise because we don't currently think about them at all.  J.C. Ryle, (1816-1900) an English Evangelical Anglican bishop,  in "Coming Events and Present Duties" states: "A thousand years in his sight are as one day, and one day as a thousand years. But we do know that yet a little while he that shall come, will come, and will not tarry. Yet a little while, and the last sermon shall be preached, the last 
congregation shall break up. Yet a little while, and carelessness, and infidelity shall cease, perish and pass away. The believers among us will be with Christ, and the unbelievers in hell. The night is far spent, and the day is at hand. . . Now God delays the final glory, and allows things to go on as they do in this world. It is not that he is not able to prevent evil, it is not that he is slack in the fulfilling of his promises, but the Lord is taking out for himself a people by the preaching of the Gospel (Acts 15:14; 2 Peter 3:9). He is longsuffering to unconverted Christians. ‘The Lord is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.’ Once let the number of the elect be gathered out of the world — once let the last elect sinner be brought to repentance — and then the kingdom of Christ shall he set up, and the throne of grace shall be exchanged for the throne of glory."

In my humble opinion I believe unique notoriety will go to the pastor who preaches the last sermon to the illustrious individuals who attended the famed final congregation that disbands, and most notably, the last elect sinner that is finally brought to repentance prior to the throne of grace be exchanged for throne of glory, and the believer or believers who were involved in that ultimate conversion!  

Can you imagine to be numbered among this distinguished company?!?  Do you realize that there is nothing stopping any one of us from realizing the actual possibility of this potential reality?  Are we awake running our race striving toward this end, or are we letting our life’s time slip our through motionless fingers as we spiritually snooze, caught up in experiencing our own worldly dreams and nightmares?

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